Welcome To My Website

Hi! I'm Jawad Ibrahim Shopnil. This is a my first website with design which anyone can visit from any where.For make this website I worked 3 and half hours.

About this website.In this websi....

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Programming is my favorite.I already learned two programming language (C and JavaScript) and two markup language (Html, Css).I started learning programming language in 2018.I learned C and html in 3 months.

Last updated 3 mins ago


I want to be a Developer.This interest start from my childhood. For developer I am learning programming and so on.I learned HTML this is my html test.

Last updated 3 mins ago

Indie Game Developer

I have also interest in Indie Game Development.(if you don't know what is Indie Game click here.)Now, I'm also learning game development. My own game is coming soon.

Last updated 3 mins ago

P.S.C and J.S.C

I done my P.S.C from Hathazari Model Government Primary School.Now, I'm doing my J.S.C in Knowledge School and College.

C and HTML

I learned only two programming language C and JavaScript in 3 months.I also have basic(very little) knowledge in Python programming language.